
How To Get A Girl As Your Girlfriend

How to Get a Girl to Be Your Girlfriend The good news is that you've found a girl you really like, and you want her to be your girlfriend. The bad news is, every time you think about asking her to make it official, you start to feel nervous or even nauseous. You keep asking yourself, "What if she rejects me? What if my question doesn't come out the right way?" If you follow these easy steps, your question will most likely be met with a resounding, "Yes, please!" home remedies for cold fever and cough                     1 Examine your reasons for asking the girl to make it official. If you've found a girl who makes you feel special and your heart is beating at a million miles per minute, then chances are, she would make a great girlfriend. However, asking someone to be your girlfriend could be making a serious commitment that could lead to marriage, and it's important to understand your motives before you plunge into your question. I

How To Know A Girl Liking You

How to Know if a Girl Likes You Being Direct About Your Interest 1 Smile at her. A natural, genuine, carefree smile is the perfect way to let a girl know that you like being around her. It will also let her know that you’re a happy person, and since happiness can be contagious, she’ll associate positive emotions with you. If she returns your smile, you can bet she feels comfortable around you. what causes love handles 2 Strike up a conversation. This is a great way to gauge her interest level. As you talk, notice if she gives you any signs or hints that she likes you or if uses vaguely romantic language. She could also show her interest in you by nodding frequently or repeating some of your phrases. To start a conversation, you can ask her an open-ended question about class, work, or pop culture. It could be something as simple as “what do you think about this band?” or “how’s your day going?” Don’t fret if the girl you like doesn’t initiate a conversation with you. If s